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Terms and conditions |
This page summarises the terms and conditions users are expected to adhere to when using The Master Surgeon website, property of The Master Surgeon Trust a non-profit organization. When using this website the visitor will adhere to the following:
- The website and its content are the property of The Master Surgeon Trust
- The graphics and images (except the Microsoft Clip ArtTM graphics and graphical content displayed with the permission of their respective authors) are the property of The Master Surgeon Trust and should not be distributed or reproduced without prior permission.
- Microsoft Clip ArtTM graphics are the property of Microsoft Corporation and should not be distributed or reproduced without prior permission from Microsoft Corporation.
- Where content from a third party (those not affiliated with The Master Surgeon Trust) are displayed on the website, such content is the property of their respective owner and should not be distributed or reproduced without prior permission of the respective owner.
- All the services provided through this website are FREE of charge at present. The services provided include the following only. This may be subject to change:
1. Practice Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ) questions
2. Practice Extended Matching Questions (EMQ) questions
3. OSCE Practice
4. Surgical Tutorials
- The questions available on The Master Surgeon website are the property of The Master Surgeon Trust or the property of the author of the particular question. These questions should not be reproduced, redistributed or used for commercial or non commercial purpose without the prior permission from The Master Surgeon Trust or the respective author (please click here to contact us).
- The tutorials available on The Master Surgeon website are the property of The Master Surgeon Trust or the property of the author of the particular tutorial. These tutorials should not be reproduced, redistributed or used for any commercial or non commercial purpose without the prior permission of The Master Surgeon Trust or the respective author (please click here to contact us)
- The universal resource link www.themastersurgeon.com/www.themastersurgeon.co.uk may be used to link to this website on printed or electronic material. The domain names above are the property of The Master Surgeon Trust.
- Any misuse, vandalism, spamming or abuse of the website or resources available on this website may lead to prosecution.
- The services provided are primarily for the benefit of medical students and other health care professionals and the service should not be used as a patient information tool.
- The information available on The Master Surgeon website is not patient information or advice.
- If you are a member of the public (i.e not a healthcare professional) using the website to find more information regarding a medical condition or a procedure, please note that the medical and surgical resources available on this website DOES NOT replace expert medical opinion.
- The content available on the website has been validated and approved by the committee members. If any there are any concerns with regards to the accuracy or validity of the information on the website please get in touch with the team as soon as possible.
- The content on this website should be used as a supplement for exam preparation and should not be used as the only preparatory material for any exam preparation.
- The use of the content on the website does not constitute competence nor a licence to
practice as further training is recommended and you may not be authorised to use these skills within your
- Noncompliance with any of the above terms and conditions may lead to prosecution.
If you have any further queries click here to contact us.
Terms and conditions as of 01/07/2014 |