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Frequently asked questions?
Q: Can I write questions for The Master Surgeon.com?
Yes. We will be more than happy to have your question(s) displayed on our website. Please email us your question(s) to questions@themastersurgeon.com with your name, qualification and designation. We will review your question
and if it meets the relevant standards we will publish it on our website.
Q: Can I use the questions, tutorials from the website for other commercial or non-commercial uses.
A: No. The questions/tutorials on the website are the property of The Master Surgeon.com or the property of the author. Please do not copy the questions to reproduce or redistribute them without the prior authorization from The Master Surgeo.com or respective author. Please contact us if you need more information or require authorization.
Q:I am skipping question numbers on the practice MCQs section of the website. Why is this?
A: The question number is a unique number which is different for each question on the database. You will skip the numbers (i.e. will not go through questions in numerical order) if you have filtered questions by selecting a speciality/category. You are not missing questions, but skipping the ones which are irrelavant to the speciality you have chosen. In order to view questions in numerical order, change the speciality/category to "All" on the questions page
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